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Beta launches soon!
Don't worry, the game is still under development ;) And soon the Beta will launch! Of course there are SOME changes made! Check the Trello-board for some of the...
Alpha 0.5.0 (Time to shine! update)
Welcome to the biggest update this game had ever received! Ranked mode is here and YOU are able to participate! And of course for some rewards... Earn 'The glit...
Ranked coming soon!
Hey, battling dummies! A new major-update is coming next week. A new playtest is coming very soon for the new ranked-mode and YOU can play it this week! (It's a...
Alpha 0.4.0
This game got a HUGE QOL update! This new update made this game even more fast-paced then ever before! With faster and more damagy-damage dealing bullets you ar...
2 files
Alpha 0.3.1
-Fixed the issue where your screen is black...
1 file
Work in progress
Alpha 0.3.0
-Changed the game-style -Redone the sprites -Guns shoot faster -Guns deal more damage -Bullets have higher speed -Bullets have an angle randomizer when created...
1 file
Alpha 0.2.0
-Changed the look of some bodyparts -You now have a jetpack -Made some changes to the UI -You are now further zoomed out to spot your enemy more easly -Fixed so...

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